Take a trip to your true self
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy to help you heal from deep within. I’m intrigued! Can we talk more?I know what you’re thinking. KETAMINE?!
Yes, Ketamine. Hear me out.
The word ‘ketamine’ might have you raising an eyebrow, but stick with me.
Imagine gently peeling back the layers of your mind, revealing a lighter, brighter you. Seeing what lies beneath the surface in a safe, supportive space.
Want to meet your soul?
That’s what Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is all about – a guided journey to the core of who you are, with me by your side every step of the way.
Lightbulb moments
Picture this: You’re in a dimly-lit room, and slowly but surely, someone starts turning up the lights. Things start to look different, clearer.
That’s a bit what Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy can feel like.
It’s not about forgetting your past, but lighting it up in a way that lets you see it with new eyes – kind eyes, curious eyes.
Through KAP, we harness your brain’s neuroplasticity (ability to change), opening doors to new ways of thinking, feeling, and being. The beauty is that change can occur much faster than with talk therapy alone.
Not your average therapy session:
The beauty of KAP
This isn’t your run-of-the-mill chit-chat therapy. Nope. We’re combining the cool science of ketamine with the warm fuzzies of psychotherapy to create a space where real, deep-down healing happens, and it happens more quickly.
KAP isn’t just about talking; it’s about experiencing, feeling, and transforming.
If you’ve felt stuck, weighed down by emotions, or trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts, this is your invitation to break free.

Why Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy rocks!
Talk is good, but sometimes, we need something a bit…more. That’s where KAP comes in.
Experience quick relief
Experience significant shifts in mood and outlook, often after just a few sessions.
Understand yourself better
Ever wanted a chat with your soul? KAP is your chance. It’s you, your thoughts, and a journey to those ‘aha!’ moments.
Rewire your brain
Think of KAP as a yoga session for your brain — stretching, bending, and flexing into healthier patterns.
Build resilience
Train your emotional resilience and develop new, healthier coping mechanisms.
Real, raw & ridiculously inspiring
Read through the stories of brave souls who took the leap with KAP and found their true north.
FREE Guide: STOP THE MADNESS! Revolutionize Your Communication with a Narcissist.
Let this 10 minute read become your tool to empower & keep you one step ahead of the drama.
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The ‘hmm, I wonder…’ section
Ever find yourself thinking about therapy stuff at 2am, or maybe just wondering how all this works? Well, consider this your 2am buddy with all the answers.
Don’t see your question answered here? No problem, I’m on the other end of the line ready to enlighten you – just reach out!
How does Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy differ from traditional therapy?
Traditional chit-chat therapy is fab, but KAP? It’s like hopping on a mental express train to Insight City.
We still talk afterward – oh we talk a lot – but with a little help from our friend ketamine, those walls we all build around our deepest hurts get a bit wobbly, making it easier to break through.
It’s therapy, but with the volume turned up and the path cleared for quicker, deeper healing.
Will I lose control during the session?
Losing control sounds scary, right? But here’s the thing: with KAP, it’s more like you’re taking a step back in your own mind-theater, grabbing some popcorn, and watching your thoughts and emotions play out without getting tangled in them.
It’s kinda cool, actually. You’re in the driver’s seat, but with a clearer map and a confident, supportive, and compassionate co-pilot (that’s me!) guiding you through.
Is KAP safe?
Safety first, always! Ketamine has been around the block in the medical world, and it’s got a pretty solid rep for being safe when used responsibly. In the comfy and controlled environment of our therapy space, we use measured doses and ensure you’re always under my watchful eye.
What happens after a KAP session?
fter a KAP session is when the magic of integration happens. We’ll sit down and chat about what you experienced, felt, and maybe even discovered.
It’s like piecing together a puzzle of your psyche, finding where each piece fits to reveal a clearer picture of you. This part is crucial, because it’s where insights turn into action and healing really starts to take root.