So, what’s the deal with therapy around here?

Check out all the ways you can work with me therapy-wise, and let’s get this healing party started!

Help me decide what kind of therapy I need

Join team ‘you’ with therapy solutions that stick

Whether it’s untangling the patterns in your past or finding the “off” switch to that inner critic, we’ll mix the science-y stuff with a touch of spirituality, creating a custom cocktail of healing that’s just right for you.

Expect therapy sessions filled with laughter, maybe a few tears, and plenty of “Aha!” moments. I’m a fan of breaking the rules (in a good way), and making sure every session feels like you’re just hanging out with a friend.

A friend who happens to know a heck of a lot about how to get your mind working FOR you, not against you – so you can finally learn to love yourself the way you deserve.

Self-Love & Codependency Therapy

Ever look in the mirror and not recognize the precious soul staring back? Let’s change that. This journey is about digging deep, finding that spark of self-love, and fanning it into a freaking bonfire. It’s about waking up every day and realizing you’re enough – MORE than enough, actually.

Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Therapy

You know those days when it feels like your past is on loop, replaying every crappy moment? We’re gonna hit ‘stop’. Healing’s all about sorting through the mess, keeping what makes you stronger, and ditching the rest. Let me help you face the past before building a badass future where YOU call the shots.

Co-parenting through High Conflict Divorce/Separation

Think of me as your co-parenting captain, helping you navigate the storm of post-divorce life. We’ll work on communication, boundaries, and keeping the peace (at least on your end) for the sake of the kiddos. Together, we’ll work on creating a new kind of family harmony, even when the other side’s playing a different tune.

Ketamine-Assisted Therapy

Imagine a therapy session that’s more like a journey to the center of your mind, guided by yours truly and a little something called ketamine. It’s ‘out there’, sure, but it’s also deeply grounded in science. We’re talking major breakthroughs, deep healing, and seeing the world (and yourself) in a whole new light. The most magical part? Change can happen faster than with talk therapy alone.

Family Constellations Therapy

Ready to play detective with your family tree? Family Constellations therapy is like uncovering the hidden stories and patterns that have been shaping your life without you even knowing it. It’s a bit like time travel, healing not just you but generations past and future. Intrigued? I thought so! Click the button below to explore this therapy.

The ‘hmm, I wonder…’ section

Got questions? I’ve got answers! Get a better idea of what working with me looks like, from what to expect in your first session to how to pick the right therapy path for you.

Don’t see your question answered here? No problem, I’m on the other end of the line ready to enlighten you – just reach out!

What's the first therapy session going to be like?

This is our starting line for the marathon to a happier, healthier you. Don’t worry – it’s more fun than running an actual marathon. Expect some laughs, maybe a few “aha” moments, and definitely a plan to kick some serious butt. We’ll chat about what’s been on your mind, your dreams for the future, and yeah, maybe some of the crappy stuff too. It’s all about laying the groundwork for some serious changes.

How do we pick the right therapy mix?

You know how sometimes you just need a coffee, but other days it’s a triple-shot, half-caff, almond milk latte kind of day? Therapy’s kinda like that. We’ll chat about what you’re craving (healing-wise, not coffee-wise) and mix up a therapy solution that hits the spot. Over time, we’ll develop the right blend of techniques that feel right for you, whether that’s talking it out, going deeper with ketamine, or anything in between.

What's the process for scheduling sessions?

Easy peasy. Once we decide we’re a good fit, you’ll get access to my scheduling tool. Pick a time that works for you, and you’re all set. Need to reschedule? Life happens – just give me a heads-up, and we’ll sort it out.

Disclaimer: I am a clinical psychologist. I have a lot of information to share. I want to be clear that everything I share is educational in nature. It is not medical or psychiatric advice or treatment.